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Kathedrale der Hll. Neumärtyrer und Bekenner Russlands in München

der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche im Ausland

All-European Church Music Committee

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Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!

We are glad to inform you about the establishment of the All-European Church Music Committee (AECMC) in accordance with the decree of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops. The committee is subordinate to the Synodal Liturgical Music Commission of the ROCOR and was formed as a result of the successful pan-European Liturgical Music Conference held in London this January. The purpose of the committee is to continue and maintain the best liturgical music traditions while improving the level of choral singing in the European parishes of the Russian Orthodox diaspora. The events are open to everyone who cares about Russian liturgical singing. We hope that committee's activity will serve to strengthen spiritual ties between the parishes of the Russian tradition in Europe.

The main activities are:

1.      Organisation and hosting of Orthodox church music conferences (these events welcome choir conductors, singers, readers and all others interested in Russian Orthodox choral music. The conferences feature lectures by renowned international specialists in the field of choral singing and church-musicianship, roundtables that give participants the opportunity to join in discussions about how to improve, masterclasses that help delegates raise their skill levels and clarify some concerns);
2.      Establishment of a summer programme in liturgical music in Europe (the school programme will be designed for regular training and education of existing and future singers, choir conductors and readers across European parishes, with academic advising and support from the existing Synodal School of Liturgical Music (Jordanville, USA);
3.      Also online training throughout the year through online lectures and webinars.
Available materials, more information as well as event announcements can be found on the committee's website at www.aecmc.org.

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Please inform those who might be interested.


Kathedrale der Hll. Neumärtyrer und Bekenner Russlands in München

der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche im Ausland

@copyright 2008-2011, Kathedrale der Hll. Neumärtyrer und Bekenner Rußlands in München